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PERSONAL DATA PROTECTION POLICY” policy for the protection of personal data collected on the internet.

“” is pleased to inform all its customers and visitors about its online personal data protection policy.
You can be sure that does everything in its power to protect the personal data of visitors to this site in compliance with French and European legislation on the protection of personal data.

TYPES OF INFORMATION WE COLLECT AND HOW WE USE IT only collects personal data, such as first and last names, postal and e-mail addresses, that you voluntarily submit to us.
For example, personal data may be collected from you in order to be able to respond to a request for information, to obtain your opinion on our websites and products, or to enable you to take part in one of our competitions or games.
Whenever personal data is collected on our site, the purposes for which it is collected and how it is processed are clearly set out, in compliance with the French Data Protection Act of 06.01.1978.


We will sometimes send you information of a commercial nature with your permission, such as discount vouchers, information on new product offers, etc. You will only receive such items from us if you have chosen to do so.
You will only receive such items from us if you have chosen to do so. may use service providers to carry out various tasks, in particular commercial tasks such as fulfilling orders, assisting with promotional campaigns, providing technical services for our websites, etc. These service providers may have access to personal data if necessary to carry out these tasks.
These companies may have access to personal data if this is necessary for the performance of these tasks.
The aforementioned companies have undertaken to comply, as has, with the legislation on the collection and processing of personal data, as well as with this policy in its entirety.
In any event, they may only use such personal data for the purposes of carrying out their duties, and may not use it for any other purpose. does not sell, transfer or communicate any personal data to third parties.
We may ask you on our web sites if you would like to receive commercial documentation from commercial partners.
If you wish to receive this type of documentation, will not share your personal data with these partners but will provide you with a link, an e-mail address or contact you by any other means to offer you access to our partners’ offers.
Should be obliged, in order to comply with an administrative, legal or judicial decision, to communicate to an authorized third party, within the meaning of the law of 06.01.1978 relating to information technology, files and civil liberties, information relating to the personal data it holds and processes, it undertakes, prior to any communication, to inform the persons concerned.

OUR PERSONAL DATA PROTECTION POLICY FOR CHILDREN is very sensitive to privacy issues.
We are proud of our long-standing commitment to our customers.
We pay particular attention to our communications with the customers who are most important to us – children and families.


You retain control over the personal data you provide to us online.
If, at any time, you wish to change the personal data we hold about you or your contact preferences either with us or with our business partners, simply let us know by contacting us at the postal or e-mail address below.
To access any personal data we may hold on you or your child, or to request that we delete or no longer use such data, please send us your request in writing to the address below.
JRT Nutrition
ZAE de Guinassou
24120 Pazayac


Cookies” are small files that a website transfers to an individual’s hard disk for record-keeping purposes.
Cookies enable a website to remember important information, making it easier for you to use the site.

1.1 Cookies on the website

When you connect to our website, we may install various cookies in your browser, subject to the choices you make by configuring your browser as described below, for the following purposes:
– to compile visitor statistics (number of visits, pages viewed, abandonment of the order process, etc.) in order to monitor and improve the quality of our services.
– adapt the presentation of our site to the display preferences of your browser
– memorize information entered in forms, manage and secure access to reserved and personal areas such as your account, manage your shopping cart.

1.2 Third-party cookies

When you access our site, one or more cookies from partner companies (hereinafter referred to as “Third Party Cookies”) may be placed in your browser via the pages of our site or via content displayed in our advertising spaces.
The advertising content (graphics, animations, videos, etc.) displayed in our advertising spaces may contain Cookies issued by third parties: either the advertiser behind the advertising content concerned, or a third-party company (communications consultancy, audience measurement company, targeted advertising service provider, etc.), which has associated a Cookie with an advertiser’s advertising content.
During the period of validity of these cookies, these third-party cookies may enable them to: to count the number of times advertising content is displayed via our advertising spaces, to identify the advertisements displayed in this way, and the number of users who clicked on each advertisement, enabling them to calculate the sums due as a result and to draw up statistics; to recognize your browser during subsequent browsing on any other site or service on which these advertisers or third parties also issue cookies and, where appropriate, to adapt these third-party sites and services or the advertisements they display, to the browsing of your browser of which they may have knowledge.
The issue and use of third-party cookies are subject to the confidentiality and privacy protection policies of these third parties.
We have neither access to nor control over third-party cookies.
However, we ensure that partner companies process the information collected on our site in compliance with regulations, in particular the French Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978.

1.3 Your choices concerning cookies

You can use your Internet browser’s options if you do not wish to receive a cookie, or if you want your browser to notify you when you receive a cookie.
Several options are available to you for managing Cookies.
We draw your attention to the fact that the settings you make may modify your Internet browsing experience and your conditions of access to certain services requiring the use of Cookies.
You can modify your wishes regarding Cookies at any time, by the means described below.

1.3.1 Choices offered by your browser :

You can configure your browser software so that Cookies are stored in your browser or, conversely, so that they are rejected, either systematically or depending on the sender.
You can also configure your browser software so that you are offered the option of accepting or rejecting Cookies from time to time, before a Cookie is likely to be stored in your browser.
Click on your browser’s “Help” menu to find out how to modify your Cookie preferences.

Cookies agreement

The recording of a Cookie in a browser is essentially subordinate to the will of the browser user, who can express and modify it at any time and free of charge through the choices offered to him by his browser software.
If you have accepted in your browser software the recording of Cookies in your browser, the Cookies integrated in the pages and contents that you have consulted may be stored temporarily in a dedicated space in your browser.
They will only be readable by their originator.

Refusing cookies

If you refuse to accept cookies, or if you delete the cookies stored in your browser, you will no longer be able to benefit from a certain number of functions that are necessary for browsing certain areas of our website.
This would be the case if you tried to access our content or services that require you to identify yourself, such as the online ordering service.
The browsing session, shopping cart and authentication are managed via cookies.
By deactivating them, you deactivate the possibility of using the online ordering service.
This would also be the case if we – or our service providers – were unable to recognize, for technical compatibility purposes, the type of browser used by your browser, its language and display settings or the country from which your browser appears to be connected to the Internet.
We draw your attention to the fact that we are not responsible for the consequences linked to the degraded functioning of our services resulting from the impossibility for us to record or consult the Cookies necessary for their functioning and which you would have refused or removed.

1.3.2 How do you exercise your choices, depending on the browser you use?

To manage Cookies and your choices, the configuration of each browser is different.
This is described in your browser’s help menu, which will tell you how to modify your cookie preferences.

For Internet Explorer™:
For Safari™:
For Chrome™:
For Firefox™:
For Opera™:

1.4 Social networks

Our site uses third-party software applications that enable users to share content on our site with other people, or to let other people know what they think about content on our site.
These include “Share” and “Like” buttons from social networks such as Facebook and Twitter (hereinafter referred to as “Social Sharing Buttons”).
When you visit a page on our site containing such a button, your browser establishes a direct connection with the servers of the social network.
If you are connected to a social network while browsing, the Social Sharing Buttons link the pages you visit to your account.
If you click on a Social Sharing Button or leave a comment, the corresponding information will be transmitted to the social network and published on your account.
If you do not want the social network to link the information collected through our site to your account, you must log out of the social network before visiting our site.
These Social Sharing Buttons are subject to the confidentiality and privacy protection policies of the social networks. We therefore invite you to consult them in order to learn about the purposes of use, in particular advertising, of the browsing information they may collect through these buttons.

CHANGES TO OUR PRIVACY POLICY may need to amend this privacy policy from time to time, so we suggest that you periodically check its contents here.
Please be assured, however, that any modifications will not be applied retroactively and will not change the way we treat previously collected data.


In accordance with the law, implements all security precautions necessary to respect the confidentiality of this data.

How to contact us
If you have any questions about’s Policy for the Protection of Personal Data collected via the Internet, please write to us at :

JRT Nutrition
ZAE de Guinassou
24120 Pazayac
Tel :